Box vs. vBoxxCloud

We conclude our comparison series with a look into Box for Business. Read our previous posts on OneDrive for Business and Dropbox for Business. 

A powerful but expensive Cloud service.

Throughout the last year Box has expanded significantly, when compared to Dropbox it offers a more enticing package for companies, but at what price? Box divides its pricing model into three tiers, Starter for consumers, Business and Enterprise.  In many ways Box offers a Cloud service very similar to vBoxxCloud: Active Directory support, Custom Branding and Activity reports can be found in both services.

However, Box comes at a more expensive price while at the same time limiting the minimum user amount a company can start with. While its business offer features unlimited storage, Box limits the maximum file size you can transfer.

vBoxxCloud is the alternative.

Box recently launched Box Zones in Europe and Asia to address local data storage requirements. However, it still is an American company, subject to American laws. This of course raises concerns about surveillance and data privacy.

At vBoxx we host our Cloud service in our own premises in the Netherlands, do not share or analyze any data our customers store in vBoxxCloud. Our pricing model is simpler to understand and much more flexible, as it gives you the freedom to upgrade the user and storage amount easily.

New features.

Our Cloud service is constantly improving, recently we have announced File Preview, Selective Sync and are at the moment preparing the release of collaborative online file editing. We are always busy working on more features and enhancements which, will benefit businesses all over the world.

Stay tuned for new and exciting news!

Visit our Feature Page, to learn more about vBoxxCloud or start a Free Trial.


*All claims refer to Box Business as of 4/3/2015

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